Learning the Ins & Outs of the Innovation Economy and International Law with Gunderson Dettmer

Kismet of Kings visits Gunderson Dettmer

In the bustling cityscape of Jersey City, an extraordinary summer program took young men on a transformative journey of self-discovery and professional exploration. Kismet of Kings ignited the flames of ambition within these aspiring young men, guiding them towards a future filled with infinite possibilities. This year, the program visited the towering metropolis of New York City, where the esteemed law firm, Gunderson Dettmer, awaited with open doors and unrivaled opportunities.

As the sun rose over the Jersey City skyline, the participants of Kismet of Kings braced themselves for the adventure of a lifetime. Hearts filled with excitement and minds brimming with curiosity, they embarked on a field trip that will forever shape their career pathways. The journey into the heart of New York City is not just a mere visit; it was an opportunity to witness the inner workings of Gunderson Dettmer and gained invaluable insights into the world of corporate law.

The glass doors of Gunderson Dettmer opened to a world of grandeur and excellence. The participants stepped into a realm where intellect and innovation merge seamlessly, where legal legends pushed the limits of possibility, and where dreams are woven into the very fabric of success. Through engaging workshops, enlightening discussions, and genuine mentorship, these young men were exposed to a myriad of career pathways within the legal field. They witnessed the power of advocacy, the intricacies of deal-making, and the strategies behind successful lawyering.

The journey to Gunderson Dettmer was more than just a field trip. It was a captivating chapter in the lives of these ambitious young men, a pivotal moment that could propel them towards greatness. The Kismet of Kings program instills within them the knowledge, skills, and courage to pursue their passions unapologetically. With their newfound understanding of legal careers, they were empowered to carve their own paths, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

As the young men bid farewell to Gunderson Dettmer, their hearts are filled with gratitude and determination. They have witnessed the limitless horizons of their potential, and they are now armed with the tools necessary to navigate the intricate tapestry of legal careers. Kismet of Kings has revealed to them a universe of opportunities, ensuring that their futures are no longer dictated by circumstance, but rather driven by their own innate talents and ambitions.


Hosting the Summer Entrepreneurial Expedition


Kismet of Kings Launches Summer Entrepreneurial Program for Young Men